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Information on how to subscribe or unsubscribe is at the end of this issue. (c) Copyright 2003 by Software Research, Inc. ======================================================================== Contents of This Issue o QWE2002 (March 2002) Program Details o Unit Testing, by Michael Reidy o Stevens Award Goes To Peter Chen o eValid Ver. 3.1 Early Release Available o Annals of Software Engineering Special Volume o New Book: Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications (Blue Book) o FMOODS 2002 Student Workshop (Netherlands) o UC/Irving Distinguised Speaker: Leon Osterweil o Automated Software Engineering (September 2002) o QTN Article Submittal, Subscription Information ======================================================================== 5th Annual International Software & Internet Quality Week Europe (QWE2002) Conference Theme: Internet NOW! 11-15 March 2002 Brussels, Belgium EU <> * * * QWE2002 Conference Brochure Available * * * The program brochure is now available from the Quality Week web site. Download your own copy of the full-color brochure in *pdf format from: <> For an overview of the entire program, and for detailed descriptions of the multiple tracks, visit the web site at: <> The QWE2002 International Advisory Board selected speakers who are truly knowledgeable and passionate about their subject. Each speaker has her/his own sub-page with a photo and descriptions of their professional background on the web. Discover the state-of-the-art in software and internet QA and testing from around the world. Just look at their topics listed in the daily program. If you click on the paper title, you will find detailed descriptions, short abstracts and key points on the authors sub-webpage. * * * Program Highlights * * * * Pressing questions and issues discussed by a distinguished lineup of six Industrial and Academic Keynote Speakers including such well known speakers as: > Ms. Elfriede Dustin (BNA Software, USA) "The Challenges of Creating Quality Web Systems" > Dr. Koenraad Debackere (KUL Leuven, Belgium ) "Organizing for High Tech Innovation" * Over two intensive, hard-working days, we offer 18 pre-conference Tutorials conducted by the foremost experts in their fields. * Parallel Tracks that cover the broad field of software quality with the latest developments: + Internet: E-commerce experience, Internet Time and Site Performance + Technology: From browser-based website testing to UML methods + Applications: Hear solutions from researchers and practitioners + Management: Managing Testing, Quality Improvement, Process Innovations + Tools and Solutions: the latest solutions and newest tools from the Exhibitors * * * Industry Exhibitors * * * * Industry Exhibitors will showcase their services and latest products at the Two-Day Trade Show (Expo: 11-15 March 2002). Exhibitors including: CEDITI, CMG, Computer Associates, eValid, Gitek, I2B, Pearson Education, ps_testware, Rational, RelQ, SIM Group, Software Research, Veritest, and more. * You will take home a CD-ROM with all the paper topics presented at the conference and with all the contact information for the exhibitors. This will enable you to pass on the information to your colleagues and use it as a ready training tool. * * * Special Events * * * * Special Events: Business can be enjoyable as during lunch, the breaks and the special networking events, you will have ample opportunity to network, exchange information and find valuable business partners. * Welcome reception at the Cantillon Brewery, where the third generation of family brewers is producing the famous Gueuze, using the age-old artisan methods. * Cocktail Party with the Exhibitors * Conference Dinner at a Famous Art Nouveau Cafe, where stock brokers and journalists have met since 1903. * Visit a family chocolate Factory, or * Tour the beautiful new Musical Instruments Museum, listening to performances with infra-red headphones. All the details on the Special Events at: <> Mark your calendars *NOW* for QWE2002: 11-15 March 2002. Join us in the newly refurbished, beautiful downtown Brussels, Belgium, the Capital of Europe. Register early on-line and receive Early Bird Special Pricing at: <> We look forward to seeing you in Brussels! Rita Bral, Conference Director======================================================================== Unit Testing by Michael Reidy ( Unit testing of new software is an initial step in the testing cycle. It is conducted by the coder, to determine if newly created software adequately meets stated requirements. A few limited transactions are input to exercise the code. Upon satisfactory completion, the code is handed off for additional, more rigorous testing by the Quality professionals (regression testing, systems testing, integration testing, etc). As a first link in the chain, it is essential. But even more importantly, it is the cornerstone for subsequent system development. As the subsequent testing occurs, so too does additional coding. A thorough Unit Test identifies deficiencies, providing smooth testing and coding processes. WHAT HAPPENS TODAY The approach described above is orderly, neat and clean. So what can go wrong? Plenty !!!! It really is quite common to suffer from poor Unit Test practices. The following are some likely scenarios. (1) NEVER DONE Unit testing is not technically required as part of code development. Coding can simply stop with a clean compile. The staff moves on to the next assignment. Traditionally, a lengthy period had been allocated for coding and testing. But with today's emphasis on Rapid Application Development, a more hurried approach is common. For some applications, the timeframe to final implementation may be reduced to a matter of hours. Sorry to say, this commonly extends across all platforms -- web, client/server and mainframe. Such a "hurry up" attitude can lead to cutting corners. (2) NOT DONE WELL Less common is the instance of a Unit Test that was not executed properly. The limited number of simulated transactions just didn't really test the code. Or a software error was mistakenly overlooked. This leads into another reason for inadequate Unit Testing: (3) POOR/NONEXISTANT REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT For whatever reason the coders were not furnished adequate functional requirements. Consequently, any Unit Testing will be flawed. Even more unhappily, this misunderstanding does not surface until well into subsequent testing and implementation. The code inadequacy may not be identified until the User Acceptance test. (4) POOR/NONEXISTANT PROOF OF UNIT TEST A thorough Unit Test may have been executed but not properly documented. A listing of the tested transactions and results just doesnt exist (little, or no, documentation was ever prepared; or the documentation may have been lost). All four scenarios are characterized by two recurring causes: Design and Documentation. Design Prior to execution of the Unit Test, an overall strategy and plan should be developed. It doesn't need to be lengthy but should address specific functionality to be tested. A detailed script listing test transactions with expected and actual results should also be prepared. It should also be widely available, for viewing by others (testers, business analysts, users). Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Documentation Test data is rarely available for subsequent retrieval and review. To address this need, some installations are mandating completion of templates to document a structured Unit Test. Typical data includes: (1) Coder Name (2) Program/Module ID (3) Date of test (4) Description of transaction (5) Expected results (6) Actual results (7) Analysis of results Unfortunately, it has been my experience that templates are often available but not completed. Documentation of Unit Tests is just not done. SUGGESTIONS I want to make it very clear that I believe Unit Test deficiencies are common and widespread. However, I want to make it equally clear that I do not hold coding staff responsible. By and large, they are hardworking and sincerely interested in a final product that fully meets system user needs. Rather, I think we, the Quality professionals need to be more attentive, diligent and proactive. We need to be more attentive to existing policies and processes. We need to work with the coding staff, identifying and implementing improvements. I am not alone in my concern. Everyone (Executives, Project Managers, Developers, QC and QC staff) invariably voice concern about existing Unit test practices and and the negative impact commonly seen. Furthermore, consider the literature, seminars and public forums on Quality. They rarely pay attention to Unit Testing. We really need to address this issue. There are numerous horror stories about mammoth projects that failed as a result of faulty initial code (For want of a nail, a horseshoe was lost. For want of a horseshoe, a horse was lost. For want of a horse, the battle was lost!!). RECOMMENDATIONS Let me offer some recommendations: (1) Familiarize yourself with existing procedures and templates. There may well be existing templates at the customer site. If not, design your own. Be sure to include: - Test scenario - Description of error - Date found - Reference (tie in with bug tracking mechanism) - Status - Person responsible (if not captured on separate bug tracking mechanism). Remember, you want to keep this as concise and easy to complete, as possible One last note, as part of this research, be sure to look at the original Statement of Work. You might see mention of a customer's unique requirements that impact Unit Testing. (2) Elicit comments from coding staff. There may well be a sound reason why formal procedures aren't being followed. Additionally, the coders may offer some good suggestions on conducting and documenting the Unit Test. Getting their input also gets them "on your side". (3) Identify any improvement needs and design the template and procedure you need. Completion should require the least time possible. (As an aside, excessive time is the probable reason for not following sound procedures). Try to eliminate as much data entry as possible. Boiler plate required input. Rely on soft copy where possible. Remember, you need to design the procedure that minimizes effort but maximizes effectiveness. Along this line, you should also consider providing data beyond the Quality staff. Email, posting to a corporate intranet, regularly scheduled reviews should all be considered. (4) Consider a policy of requiring dual signatures (the coder and manager, both). This will ensure added thoroughness and accuracy. (5) Discuss the importance of Unit Testing with coding staff management. Make them aware of your concerns. Offer to conduct brief tutorials/training sessions for their staff. You need to sell them on your procedure and how it will benefit them (reduce staff effort and rework). (6) Once established, maintain a strict policy of requiring thorough Unit testing. Don't accept software without the needed signoff/documentation. The first time you allow an exception, the rule is lost. CONCLUSION The key to Unit testing is establishing and maintaining a smooth hand- off from the coder to QA. Remember, you and your customer will benefit as testing becomes more timely, more thorough and more accurate. ======================================================================== Stevens Award Goes To Peter Chen Peter Chen has been named the seventh recipient of the international Stevens Award for advancing software development methods. The award will be presented on Thursday, November 8, 2001, at the 2001 International Conference on Software Maintenance in Florence, Italy. The prestigious Stevens Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the literature or practice of methods for software and systems development. The prior recipients are: -- Gerald Weinberg (2000), expert on the interaction of technical and human issues in computer programming and systems development (USA); -- Tom DeMarco (1999), principal of Atlantic Systems Guild and noted analyst and authority on software project management, methods, and people processes (USA); -- Tom McCabe (1998), software metrics expert and creator of cyclomatic complexity analysis (USA); -- Michael Jackson (1997), creator of the Jackson Software Development methods (United Kingdom); -- David Harel (1996), professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) and founder of i-Logix and the Statemate toolset; and, -- Tony Wasserman (1995), founder and chairman of Interactive Development Environments (USA) and the Software Through Pictures toolset. The 2001 recipient, Peter Chen, is Foster Distinguished Chair Professor of Computer Science at Louisiana State University. Dr. Chen popularized and promoted the use of Entity-Relationship ("E-R") modeling of data and processes since the late 1970s and had a key role in the growth of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) techniques and tools. Conceptual modeling, founded in Peter Chen's work, directly utilizes key business concepts in expressing requirements and designing information technology (IT) solutions. E-R diagrams can be used to express data requirements in business terms and can be used to document and analyze business rules. The same kind of diagrams can be used by IT professionals and systems analysts to understand and document systems data requirements technical implementation designs. The Unified Modeling Language notation (UML), popular in 2001 for systems modeling and object-oriented development, has Chen's E-R modeling as one of its key roots. According to Prof. Peter Aiken, director of the Institute for Data Research at Virginia Commonwealth University, "Peter Chen's work on E-R modeling made two very important contributions to information technology. His formalization of E-R concepts as a graphical specification - the proverbial "picture is worth a thousand words" - has been a key foundation of data modeling over the last 25 years. And, because the communication medium of E-R diagramming was straightforward and simple for business professionals and managers to understand, the approach enhanced the ability for IT to produce relevant results and communicate with the business users. Both of these have fostered two-way communication that we rely on to build the robust systems needed by business today." Chris Verhoef, professor of computer science at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, Netherlands, points out that "much in software engineering has been built on Peter Chen's basis. Entity-relationship modeling has become so natural a part of the field that some people no longer realize that someone had to introduce it." The Stevens Award is named in memory of Wayne Stevens (1944-1993), a highly-respected consultant, author, pioneer, and advocate of the practical application of software methods and tools. His 1974 IBM Systems Journal article "Structured Design" was the first published on the topic and has been widely reprinted. Stevens was the author of the books: "Software Design: Concepts and Methods" (Prentice-Hall Intl, 1991) and "Using Structured Design" (Wiley, 1981). His last article "Data Flow Analysis and Design" appears in the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering (Wiley, 1994). Stevens was the chief architect of application development methodology for IBM's consulting group. The Stevens Award is presented by IWCASE, an international association of users, researchers, and developers of software tools, methods, and technology. Stevens was a member of the IWCASE board of directors. The 2001 award presentation will be held on November 8 at the ICSM 2001 conference (Florence, Italy, 6-10 November 2001), the major international meeting in the field of software and systems maintenance, evolution, and management. Reference web sites: < - Stevens Award background> < - ICSM 2001 conference> ======================================================================== eValid Ver. 3.1 Adds Powerful New Features We're excited about the changes and additions to eValid in Ver. 3.1. Complete details on this new eValid release are at: <> We invite you to try out Ver. 3.1 of eValid before the formal product release. We'll send you a Ver. 3.1 key along with complete download instructions. Just reply to with your request. Please include your CID number if you know it. We'll do the rest! o o o o o o Here is a quick summary of the many new features in eValid: * eVlite. This is a playback only, thin eValid client that reads eValid scripts and plays back their navigation events. It can run up to 1000 threads per copy, and you can easily get 10 copies running at one time -- for up to 10,000 simulated users -- on one eValid driver machine. Check out: <> for details on eVlite. Also, this new feature permits -- for the first time -- true variable fidelity LoadTest scripts: <> * Enhanced Record/Play Modes. We've added record/play modes to help overcome problems on even the most difficult-to-test WebSites: > Sub-Window Record/Play. eValid now supports true parent/child single-script recording. > Desktop Window Recording. eValid scripts can now record actions you take on any application that is launched from the eValid browser but runs on the desktop. > Application Mode Record/Play. Now _ANY_ subwindow has Application Mode recording available to it, and these recordings are made in the parent script. > Multiple-window Multiple Playback in LoadTest. Tests that use multiple subwindows now play back from multiple instances of eValid in LoadTest mode (but Lock/Unlock is needed to prevent focus stealing). * eVinteractive Demo. This is a new demo that illustrates eValid interactive mode with a simple GUI on the desktop. Type in a command and the dependent eValid will execute it interactively. * Log Dialog Prompts. The latest release provides a prompt at the end of a test playback. You are asked to select which reports you want to see. This helps prevent you from missing important data. * Improved Memory Usage and Performance. We have made a number of changes and improvements to the way eValid uses RAM and virtual memory, particularly during multi-browser playback. * Improved LoadTest Reporting. In addition to adjustments to provide for eVlite playbacks in a LoadTest scenario we have improved the on-screen reporting of LoadTest runs. * Improved SiteMap Reporting. We have simplified some of the reports and added a new report that is just a list of the URLs encountered during a Site Analysis Run. * XP Operation. We have confirmed that eValid runs just find on the new MicroSoft Windows XP operating system. Also, we have previously confirmed eValid operation with IE 6.0. No problems were encountered in either case. eValid runs the way a website test engine should. Inside the browser, the way clients see the website. The easy, all-natural way! Complete information on eValid is at: <> or <>. ======================================================================== Annals of Software Engineering: Special Volume on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering" The Annals of Software Engineering journal seeks articles for a special volume on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering". The constantly evolving technological infrastructure of the modern world presents a great challenge of developing software systems with increasing size and complexity. Software engineers and researchers are striving to meet these and other continuously growing challenges by developing and implementing useful software engineering methodologies. However, despite the introduction of some important and useful paradigms in the software engineering discipline, their technological transfers on a larger scale has been extremely gradual and limited. The recent emergence of the field of Computational Intelligence (CI) in Software Engineering provides a software development team with an opportunity by taking advantage of the currently developed, documented, and mature CI technologies such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic and artificial intelligence based computational systems, expert knowledge based systems, and case based reasoning. These and other computational intelligence technologies have been used to resolve issues arising from the ever-increasing complexity and size of software systems. The aim and scope of this special issue is focused on the current research trends of introducing and implementing CI techniques to address the various software engineering needs arising during different phases of software development and analysis. This special issue is intended to serve as a comprehensive collection of some of the current state-of-the-art CI in software engineering technologies. Topics of Interest Topics of particular interest on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering" include but are not limited to: * Neural Networks * Fuzzy Logic * Genetic Algorithms & Programming * Case Based Reasoning * Data Mining Techniques * Adaptive Computing Systems * Knowledge Based Systems * Software Cost Estimation * Software Reliability Modeling * Formal Verification Methods * Software Testing & Software Validation * Expert Software Systems * Software Requirements & Specifications Engineering * Machine Learning Techniques * Hybrid Intelligent Systems Editor: Professor Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar Department of Computer Science & Engineering Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida 33433, U.S.A. Tel: +1-561-297-3994 Fax: +1-561-297-2800 Email: ======================================================================== Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing, and Computer Science Applications (The Blue Book) by Author: Kishor S. Trivedi The revised 2nd edition is available now. It is published by John Wiley & Sons. ISBN number 0-471-33341-7. In the second edition, all the chapters have been thoroughly revised. Many examples and problems are updated, and many new examples and problems have been added. There is a considerable addition of examples on system availability modeling, wireless system performance and availability modeling, software reliability modeling, and system performability modeling. New material on fault trees and stochastic Petri nets, and numerical solution techniques for Markov chains have been added. Detection of software aging is included as well as statistical estimation of availability is added. A section on the computation of response time distribution for Markovian queuing networks has also been added. Chapter 8, on continuous-time Markov chains, has undergone the most change. Research experience and the application of these methods for last 25 years have been distilled in these chapters as much as possible. The book will be of use as a classroom textbook as well as of use for practicing engineers. Researchers will also find valuable material here. ======================================================================== FMOODS 2002 - Student Workshop 20 - 22 March 2002: University of Twente, The Netherlands. The workshop is intended for students within the area of Formal Methods for Object-oriented and Component-based Systems. All relevant topics are considered, including but not restricted to: (1) Formal models for distributed systems; (2) Object- oriented, component-oriented or aspect-oriented systems; (3) Testing, validation and verification; (4) Semantics of object, component or aspect based programming languages; (5) Formal support for software development; (6) Formal models for security; (7) Analysis of interactions between objects, components and aspects; (8) Novel and innovative uses of formal methods; The workshop offers an opportunity for students to meet and share their research experiences, to discover commonalities in research and studentship, and to foster a collaborative environment for joint problem solving. PhD students from both industry and academia are encouraged to attend in order to ensure a broad, unconfined discussion. This workshop extends the FMOODS 2002 conference: <> The PhD Student workshop will be run in collaboration with the FMOODS 2002 and all participants will have full access to both the workshop and the conference. This workshop is being run for students by students. A reduced conference/workshop fee will be negotiated for all workshop participants, on evidence of student status. Workshop Organizers Trevor Jones, Chair Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK Arend Rensink, FMOODS Liaison Department of Computer Science, University of Twente, Netherlands Lynne Blair, FMOODS Liaison Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK Programme Committee Dino Distefano Rik Eshuis Sebastian Gutierrez-Nolasco Aidan Harding David Jansen Ralph Miarka Jianxiong Pang Antonino Virgillito Matthias Zenger ======================================================================== University of California, Irvine Institute for Software Research Distinguished Speaker Series 2001-2002: Prof. Leon Osterweil Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics University of Massachusetts, Amherst Reasoning About Precise Process Definitions Contact: Rick Martin, for reprints information. Faculty Host: Richard N. Taylor, ISR Director, Abstract: This talk discusses the challenges in developing process definitions that are sufficiently precise to support powerful reasoning. The focus of the talk is on issues in defining languages capable of being effective vehicles for such definitions. The talk first addresses various motivations for being precise about processes. It then proceeds to address a set of desiderata that a language must satisfy if it is to be successful in supporting process definitions that can respond to these motivating factors. The centerpiece of the talk is the introduction of Little-JIL, a specific process definition language that addresses these desiderata. In addition to being sufficiently precise, Little-JIL is also sufficiently broad to support definition of diverse processes, is sufficiently clear to be readily accessible to humans, and is also executable. The features of this language will be presented. Having presented the features, the talk will then focus on the integration of the features into carefully designed abstractions. These abstractions have proven useful in supporting effective reasoning about processes, actual execution of processes, and expedited understandings of processes. A specific example of successful reasoning about a specific auction process is presented to illustrate some key points of the presentation. About the Speaker: Leon Osterweil is currently Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where he is also a professor in the Department of Computer Science, co-director of the Laboratory for Advanced Software Engineering Research (LASER), and founding co- director of the Electronic Enterprise Institute. Previously he had been a Professor in, and Chair of, Computer Science Departments at both the University of California, Irvine, and the University of Colorado, Boulder. He was the founding director of the Irvine Research Unit in Software (IRUS) and the Southern California SPIN. He has been the Program Committee Chair for such conferences as The 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, The Second International Symposium on Software Testing, Analysis and Validation, the Fourth International Software Process Workshop, the Second Symposium on Software Development Environments, and both the Second and Fifth International Conferences on the Software Process. He was also the General Chair of the Sixth ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering. He has been a member of the editorial boards of the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methods, IEEE Software, and Software Process Improvement and Practice. He has presented keynote talks at such meetings as CASE 92 in Montreal, Quality Week 2000 in San Francisco, the Inaugural Symposium of JAIST (the Japan Advanced Institute for Software Technology) in Kanazawa, Japan, and ICSE 9 (the Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering) where he introduced the concept of Process Programming. His ICSE 9 paper has been awarded a prize as the most influential paper of ICSE 9, awarded as a 10-year retrospective. He has consulted for such organizations as IBM, Bell Laboratories, SAIC, MCC, and TRW, and SEI's Process Program Advisory Board. Osterweil is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. ======================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS: ASE 2002 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2002 September 23-27, 2002 Edinburgh, U.K. <> The IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering brings together researchers and practitioners to share ideas on the foundations, techniques, tools, and applications of automated software engineering technology. Both automatic systems and systems that support and cooperate with people are within the scope of the conference, as are models of software and software engineering activities. Formerly known as the Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (KBSE), it was renamed to encourage the broadened participation of scientific communities concerned with formal methods, partial evaluation, process support, human-computer interface support, requirements engineering, reverse engineering, testing, and verification & validation. However, ASE 2002 encourages reports on applications of active AI and knowledge base research to software engineering. Current machines are at least 1000 times faster with 1000 times more memory than those in use when KBSE began; at the time heavily AI-based prototypes were demonstrated to be feasible, if not practical. Could those systems be used today to improve software development processes? To what extent have current software engineering tools and environments actually incorporated that research? Solicited topics include theoretical foundations and tools for the automation of: * Reasoning techniques * Software specification * Software design and synthesis * Category & Graph-theoretic approaches * Computer-supported cooperative work * Domain modeling and meta-modeling * Human computer interaction * Knowledge acquisition * Maintenance and evolution * Modelling language semantics * Ontologies and methodologies * Program understanding * Re-engineering * Reflection- and Metadata approaches * Requirements engineering * Reuse * Software architectures * Testing * Tutoring, help, documentation systems * Verification and validation Papers must explicitly convey their potential relevance to automated software engineering to be considered to be within the conference scope. The ASE on-line Bibliography serves as a reference for potential contributors: IEEE Computer Society Press will publish accepted papers in the conference proceedings. In addition, authors of a selection of papers from the conference will be invited to revise and re-submit extended versions of their papers for consideration for a special issue of the Journal of Automated Software Engineering (Kluwer). ASE 2002 will also include invited talks, tutorials, panel discussions and a doctoral symposium for which separate calls for participation will be issued. Papers must not exceed 10 pages in the conference format. Papers exceeding the length restriction will not be reviewed. Papers will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. All papers, especially application papers and experience reports, should clearly identify their novel contributions. Abstracts and Papers should be submitted electronically following the guidelines provided at <>. General Chair: Julian Richardson Dept of Computing and Electrical Engineering Heriot-Watt University Tel: +44 131 451 8159 Programme Co-Chairs: Wolfgang Emmerich Dept. of Computer Science University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT, U.K. Tel: +44 20 7679 4413 David Wile Teknowledge Corp. Suite 231 4640 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Tel: +1 310 578-5350 x202 Contact: Dr. Cecilia Mascolo Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science, University College London <> Phone: +44 20 7679 1390 -- Fax: +44 20 7387 1397 ======================================================================== ------------>>> QTN ARTICLE SUBMITTAL POLICY <<<------------ ======================================================================== QTN is E-mailed around the middle of each month to over 9000 subscribers worldwide. To have your event listed in an upcoming issue E-mail a complete description and full details of your Call for Papers or Call for Participation to . QTN's submittal policy is: o Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide at least a 1-month lead time from the QTN issue date. For example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the March issue of QTN On-Line should be for April and beyond. o Length of submitted non-calendar items should not exceed 350 lines (about four pages). Longer articles are OK but may be serialized. o Length of submitted calendar items should not exceed 60 lines. o Publication of submitted items is determined by Software Research, Inc., and may be edited for style and content as necessary. DISCLAIMER: Articles and items appearing in QTN represent the opinions of their authors or submitters; QTN disclaims any responsibility for their content. TRADEMARKS: eValid, STW, TestWorks, CAPBAK, SMARTS, EXDIFF, STW/Regression, STW/Coverage, STW/Advisor, TCAT, and the SR logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Software Research, Inc. All other systems are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ======================================================================== -------->>> QTN SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION <<<-------- ======================================================================== To SUBSCRIBE to QTN, to UNSUBSCRIBE a current subscription, to CHANGE an address (an UNSUBSCRIBE and a SUBSCRIBE combined) please use the convenient Subscribe/Unsubscribe facility at: <>. As a backup you may send Email direct to as follows: TO SUBSCRIBE: Include this phrase in the body of your message: subscribe TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Include this phrase in the body of your message: unsubscribe Please, when using either method to subscribe or unsubscribe, type the exactly and completely. Requests to unsubscribe that do not match an email address on the subscriber list are ignored. QUALITY TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER Software Research, Inc. 1663 Mission Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (415) 861-2800 Toll Free: +1 (800) 942-SOFT (USA Only) Fax: +1 (415) 861-9801 Email: Web: <>