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(c) Copyright 2004 by Software Research, Inc. ======================================================================== Contents of This Issue o Book Proposal: Agile Software Development Quality Assurance o eValid: Latest News, New Features, Updates o International Workshop on Softawre Factories o ICSE 2006: 28th International Conference on Software Engineering, Shanghai, China o eValid: Usage Recommendations o International Journal on Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET) o Software Verification and Validation Track (ACM Symposium on Applied Computing) o Verification 2005, Haifa, Israel o 2nd International Workshop on Web Services & Formal Methods o QTN Article Submittal, Subscription Information ======================================================================== Agile Software Development Quality Assurance A book edited by Dr. Ioannis Stamelos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and Panagiotis Sfetsos, Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece Agile methods drastically alter the software development process. By using a number of best practices, agile methods can handle unstable and volatile requirements throughout the development lifecycle and can deliver products in shorter timeframes and under predefined budget constraints. The most notable of these practices are: simple planning, short iteration, earlier release, and frequent customer feedback. These characteristics enable agile methods to deliver product releases in much shorter periods of time compared to the traditional methods. Agile methods, compared to traditional software development, include further practices that have quality assurance potential. Examples are system metaphor, on-site customer, pair programming, test-first development, refactoring, continuous integration and acceptance testing. Many reports support and evangelize the advantages of agile methods. However, proponents of agile methods must provide convincing answers to questions such as "What is the quality of the software produced?" or "Which evidence supports the superiority of agile quality?". There has been little published work that focuses on agile software development quality issues. The Overall Objective of the Book This book aims at publishing original academic work and experience reports from industry related to agile software development quality assurance. The book mission is to give a clear description of the fundamentals in ASDQA theory, filling the gap in the literature, and to provide concrete results from agile software development organizations. Successful quality management in agile software development can help participants in the agile software development process avoid risks and project failures that are frequently encountered in traditional software projects. It is also known that agile methods make the key business users a very strong partner in assuring quality. Rather than completely leaving quality to the professionals, agile projects make these key users responsible for ensuring that the application is fit for purpose. However, the whole development process must be analyzed, measured and validated from the quality point of view, as it is claimed to be the rule when traditional methods are employed. The area is wide and entails many facets that the book must clarify, including: a. differences and similarities between the traditional quality assurance procedures and the agile methods, b. identification and evaluation of quality metrics in agile software development, c. reports on the state-of-the-art regarding quality achievements in agile methods, d. investigation on how tools affect the quality in agile software development. The Target Audience Professionals and researchers working in the field of software engineering interested in agile methods and in agile software development quality assurance. The book will provide a comprehensive view of agile quality to agile project managers, agile developers, traditional SW developers and managers wishing to embark in agile SW development and researchers interested in promoting quality in agile development. Moreover, the book will provide insights and support to academic teachers and students seeking a comprehensive tool for studying agile development with emphasis on quality. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: o Agile Software Methods. State-of-the-art o Software Quality in Agile Methods o Agile Project Management o Agile Analysis and Design o Requirements Specification o Detailed and Test Driven Design o Quality Metrics on Agile Methods o Configuration Management o Standards and Agile Software Development o Agile Quality Experiments and Case Studies o Teaching Principles of Agile Software Development Quality Assurance o Agile Quality Trends ======================================================================== eValid: Latest News, New Features, Updates eValid is the premier WebSite Quality Testing & Analysis Suite. eValid solutions help organizations maintain e-Business presence, improve WebSite quality and performance, reduce down time, prevent customer loss, and control costs. eValid's Web Analysis and Testing Suite is comprehensive, yet scalable and easy to use, and applies to a wide range of web applications. Because eValid is implemented inside an IE-equivalent browser you are guaranteed to get 100% realistic user experience results. Support for IE Ver. 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We are pleased to confirm that eValid V5 runs fine with the latest IE 7 (Beta). Some features of IE 7 do not have a correspondent in eValid, e.g. tabbed display (this is the logically same as using the Browsing History pulldown) and the popup blocker (for functional testing in many cases you don't WANT to block popups, and in any case eValid has separate equivalent methods available to block popups if you wish). Support for ASPs with Commercial License ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ License restrictions often limit how a consultant or a contractor -- or Application Service Providers (ASPs) firm -- can use eValid and deliver the results to clients. eValid's licensing now includes a new option for ASPs that will simplify life, so both you and your clients can benefit from eValid technology: Ramping Up of LoadTest Runs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In server loading experiments a main goals often is to study how the server complex responds to activity load that "steps up" at regular, pre-programmed intervals. Here's how to do this in eValid LoadTest scenarios: Playback Startup Sequence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To minimize playback de-synchronization as much as possible, the latest eValid builds have a new and more-powerful recording startup sequence. The new startup sequence helps you manage disk cache and cookie processing more reliably: LoadTest Scenario Editor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ eValid now includes a scenario editor that makes the job of setting up a LoadTest simple. It's got: * Ability to create a server loading scenario that focuses attention on how users and user types are allocated. * Ability edit and re-edit existing or new loadtest scenarios. * Capability to automatically generate the underlying *evl page. Complete details on the scenario editor can be found at: HTTP Detailed Reporting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An enhanced capability for monitoring detailed HTTP download times and download errors has been added to the eValid playback engine. Users can select to have HTTP errors reported as WARNINGs or ERRORs. In addition, detailed timing logs generated by eValid now include the specific byte size and download time of each page component separately. For complete details see: Product Download Details ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is the URL for downloading eValid if you want to start [or re- start] your evaluation: Contact Us With Your Questions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We welcome your questions about eValid and its applications. We promise a response to every question in ONE BUSINESS DAY if you use the WebSite request form: ======================================================================== International Workshop on Software Factories October 17, 2005 San Diego, California, USA More than twenty years ago, many organizations sought greater productivity and predictability in software development using a methodology called Software Factories that relied on structure and discipline. Recently, a different methodology with the same name has been gaining industry wide momentum. In addition to its name, it shares the goals of the previous generation of Software Factories, but it takes an entirely different approach to realizing them. Instead of structure and discipline, this new approach to Software Factories relies on automation, integrating advances in component based and model driven development, software architecture, aspect oriented software development, generative programming, requirements engineering, process engineering, and software product lines. It seeks to increase productivity and predictability across the software life cycle, without sacrificing agility, using multi- dimensional separations of concerns to support systematic reuse in specific system families, to deliver appropriate guidance in context to developers building family members, and to support the enactment and validation of that guidance using tools. It differs from other model driven methods through its reliance on domain-specific languages and software product line practices, and its emphasis on integrating modeling with patterns, frameworks, testing, refactoring, and other agile, code focused development practices. It differs from traditional approaches to product line engineering through its use of models as a basis for automation, and through its emphasis on integrating product line and mainstream development practices. This workshop aims to support the growing international community of interest in Software Factories by providing a forum for collaboration among researchers, practitioners, academics, and students. Its goals are to establish common vocabulary and shared perspective for Software Factories and its constituent technologies; to identify problems in developing and applying Software Factories, and to suggest strategies for solving them; to disseminate research findings and best practices, and to expose them to peer review; to collect scenarios that illustrate open issues; to develop consensus regarding research priorities; and to increase awareness and understanding of Software Factories in the industry at large. Potential topics of interest to the workshop include: - Variability Modeling and Management How should variability in production assets be managed to facilitate their systematic customization and reuse in multiple contexts? - Modeling Techniques What are the salient trade-offs between general purpose and domain-specific languages for the purposes of model driven development? - Standardization Issues Should one or more metamodels or ontologies for software factories be standardized? What aspects of software factories, if any, should be addressed by such standards? - Automatic Configuration, Code Generation, and Model Transformation What are the most appropriate approaches to model transformation for practical application in software engineering environments? - Domain Analysis and Scoping How can frequently encountered system families be identified and classified, and what kind of information should be captured about them beyond architectural style? - Schema Design How should multiple overlapping, interrelated and simultaneous concerns be separated and modularized to facilitate their simultaneous use and subsequent composition? - Process, Guidance and Governance What kinds of mechanisms are effective in supporting the delivery, enactment, and validation of architectural guidance? - Agility in Model-Driven Development How can model driven methods be integrated with agile, code focused development practices? - Product-Line Practices How can commonalities and variabilities, and reusable abstractions that represent them, be identified to support the derivation of Software Factories from existing products? - Factory and System Evolution How should the evolution of family members be supported by a software factory? - Organizational and Strategic Issues What are the key drivers for adopting software factories and the key challenges in doing so? Additional information about the workshop, including a list of additional topics of interest, is available at the workshop web site: 2005/SoftwareFactoryWorkshopAnnouncement.htm ======================================================================== ICSE 2006 28th International Conference on Software Engineering Shanghai, China, May 20-28, 2006 Sponsored by: ACM SIGSOFT, IEEE TCSE, and the Shanghai Municipal Government The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering. ICSE 2006 will be held May 20-28, 2006 in Shanghai, China at the Shanghai International Convention Center. Join us for an experience that will combine outstanding technical events with a visit to a city and country that will be truly unforgettable! A visa is needed for travel - please visit the website for more information. Travel costs are less than you think, so submit your papers! We hope to see you in Shanghai! General Chair: Leon J. Osterweil, University of Massachusetts Program Co-Chairs: Dieter Rombach, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia Research Track The ICSE 2006 Research Paper track's goal is to provide a forum for presenting the latest, best, and most important research results in the field of software engineering. High quality research submissions are invited for technical papers describing original, unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental research. Papers should describe a novel contribution to software engineering and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature. Co-Chairs: Dieter Rombach, Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia Education Track The Software Engineering Education and Training Track of ICSE 2006 will provide a forum for sharing recent advances, trends and concerns with software engineering education. Chair: Laurie Williams, North Carolina State University Experience Track The objective of the Experience Track is to establish a meaningful dialog between software practitioners and software engineering researchers on the results (both good and bad), obstacles, and lessons learned associated with applying software development practices in various environments. Chair: Forrest Shull, Fraunhofer Center Far East Experience Track The objective of the Far East Experience Track is to demonstrate the state-of-the-practice of software engineering in Far East Asia by reporting on various experiences and establishing a dialogue between practitioners and researchers on the benefits, obstacles, and weaknesses of applying software engineering principles, techniques, methods, processes, and tools in an industrial or organizational setting for a variety of applications. Chair: Kouichi K. Kishida, SRA-Japan Software Engineering: Achievements and Challenges Track The technical program includes a new Track focusing on major achievements and core challenges in Software Engineering. The objective is to identify and describe precisely both the critical issues that had to be addressed in order to permit the major software achievements, and the deep and enduring technical challenges which remain in theory and practice. Chair: Jeff Kramer, Imperial College Research Demonstrations Research demonstrations enable conference participants to view research systems in action, and to discuss the systems with the people who created them. These demonstrations are intended to show early implementations of novel software engineering concepts and are suitable for mature presentations that can be communicated effectively to a large audience using projection technology. Co-Chairs: Matthew Dwyer, University of Nebraska Kokichi Futatsugi, JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Emerging Results This informal and highly interactive session gives attendees the opportunity to engage one another in discussions about ongoing work and critical issues in key areas. All ICSE participants can obtain rapid, low overhead introductions to interesting work and technologies in software engineering. Participant feedback can be used by authors to help them shape future full ICSE papers. Co-Chairs: Betty Cheng, Michigan State University, Beijun Shen, ECUST ======================================================================== eValid -- Some General Recommendations Here are common eValid problem areas and references to pages that provide general good-practice recommendations. * Functional Testing Recording and playing scripts, with validation, is a sure way to confirm operation of a web site or web application. o Protecting Login Account Names and Passwords If you are recording logging into a site, eValid will need to make a record of your account name and password. For the best security, you should record login and password details in encrypted form. There's an option in the Script Window Dialog to turn on the Encoded Input option that protects critical private information.> o Initial State Being a fully stateful recording and playback engine, eValid is very sensitive to the initial state when playback begins. Here are some recommendations about to manage your test's Initial State effectively. o Session Cookies Session cookies are remembered inside eValid and the surest way to clear them is to close eValid and launch it again. o Modal Dialogs/Logins Because of the nature of modal dialogs you may not be able to use them directly. Instead, eValid provides a way to construct a reliable script by creating the correct commands via the Script Window Dialog. Check the documentation on modal dialog support and on testing modal logins: o Opaque Objects Certain objects are opaque relative to eValid's internal view of web page properties, and have to be treated differently. These object types include Java Applets and FLASH objects, discussed here: In addition, it may be helpful to see how to use eValid's Application Mode: * Server Loading eValid applies load to a web server using the capability to run multiple eValid browser instances. o Machine Adjustments If you want to get more than ~25 eValid copies running at on time you probably need to make Machine Adjustments to optimize your computer as a server loading engine. o Ramping LoadTest Runs The most common form of application includes ramping up server load so you can study how the server performance degrades due to increasing load. * Site Analysis eValid site analysis runs are a powerful way to confirm website properties. o Avoid Logout During Scan A common problem during a site analysis scan is that eValid logs you out before the scan is done! This happens when you start the scan after logging into a protected area and the eValid search spider navigates you to the "logout" page. The way to avoid this is to make sure that your Blocked URLs List includes "logout" and "signoff". ======================================================================== International Journal on Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET) Special Issue on Empirical Studies in Web Engineering The International Journal on Web Engineering and Technology is seeking original manuscripts for a Special Issue on Empirical Studies in Web Engineering, scheduled for publication in December 2006 timeframe. Empirical studies are an essential component of Web engineering research and practice. They provide the means necessary to understand, assess, control, and improve Web management and development practices and their use of technologies. The results of empirical studies can be used to inform practitioners and researchers alike, and are the means for building a body of knowledge containing sound theories. This special issue focuses on studies where results are based on qualitative and/or quantitative data, which has been used to describe, investigate, and assess relationships between products, processes, and resources. Such studies can either be original or a replication of a previous study; a case study, survey or formal experiment. Papers are sought that address issues including but not limited to the following: * Empirical studies on: o Web modeling, design, and development methods, frameworks, and methodologies. o Web tools and technologies. o Web cost estimation techniques and their comparison. o Web quality assurance. o Web usability. o Web reliability and testing. o Web process improvement of small and medium-size organizations. o Web project management practices. o Agile processes applied to Web development. o Predictive models of defect rates and reliability. * Industrial case studies describing experiences of Web measurement * Web measurement and metrics for: o Web cost estimation o Web quality o Web testing o Web reliability o Web process improvement o Web development methods and methodologies * Methods and tools to help with Web measurement * Empirical evaluations of the effectiveness of Web measurement and metrics for Web projects Guest Editor Dr. Emilia Mendes The University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ Please feel free to contact the guest editor if you have any questions. ======================================================================== Software Verification Track, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing April 23-27, 2006, Dijon, France For the last twenty years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2006 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, and is hosted this year by Bourgogne University, Dijon, France. Technical Track on Software Verification In the next decade the software industry will have to face its responsibility imposed by a computer-dependent society. Since software is increasing deployed in safety critical applications, correctness and reliability are becoming issues of utmost importance. Consequently, software verification will be a grand challenge for both academic world and computer industry. The track will focus on theoretical foundations, practical methods as well as case studies for verification of conventional and embedded software. We welcome papers that describe work on combinations of formal verification and program analysis techniques. Tool papers and case studies which report on advances in verifying large software systems are particularly sought. The list of topics includes but not limited to o Tools, and case studies for large scale software verification o Static analysis/Abstract interpretation for verification o Model checking and deductive techniques for software verification o Role of declarative programming languages (such as Prolog) for infinite state software verification. o Proof techniques for verifying specific classes of software o Integration of testing and run-time monitoring with formal techniques o Validation of UML diagrams, and/or requirement specifications o Software certification and proof carrying code o Integration of formal verification into software development projects ======================================================================== Verification conference (IBM verification 2005) November 13-16, 2005, Haifa, Israel Sponsored by Caesarea Rothschild Institute (CRI) The Software and Verification Technologies Department at the IBM Haifa Research Lab (HRL) cordially invites you to submit a paper to the IBM verification conference. The verification conference includes three full day sessions and a one day tutorial focusing on verification technologies, software testing, and testing of parallel systems (PADTAD). The seminars will involve the presentation of original, peer reviewed, technical papers and lectures by invited industrial and academic guests. Technical papers will be published in a Springer proceeding. The event will take place at the IBM Research Lab in Haifa, located on the University of Haifa campus, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel and in Caesarea Rothschild Institute (CRI) at the University of Haifa. The three full-day sessions provide a forum for the academia and industry research and development communities to share their work, exchange ideas, discuss issues, problems, and work-in-progress, as well as future research directions and trends. Participation is free. The official language of the conference is English. Please confirm your participation by November 3 via the seminar website: In addition to the call for papers, this conference has a call for tools. Tool support is crucial for testing and verification. The IBM Verification Conference will place specific focus on emerging tools, especially open source and academic tools. Tool presenters will be invited to submit a paper to a special issue of Systems of Science of Computer Programming on testing and verification tools, which will be dedicated to tools presented at the IBM Verification Conference. These papers will be submitted following the conference and will be reviewed by the conference committee. Open source and academic tools are especially welcome, as the publication can include source code as well. Verification Track Topics Microprocessors, ASICs, SOCs, and system verification Experiences with simulation-based and formal verification Classification of hardware bugs High-level test generation for functional verification Simulation based verification Emulation and acceleration techniques in verification Post silicon debugging Formal methods and their applications Verification using SAT Verification coverage Equivalence checking Path analysis for verification Design for verifiability Hardware/software co-verification and co-testing Use of ESL for verification. Simulation-checking: assertion based, high-level rule-based, reference models, and score-boards CSP applications in functional verification Hybrid simulation and formal analysis methods Software Testing Track Topics Using static analysis in testing Testing throughout the lifecycle Business value (ROI) of testing Risk-based testing Defect prevention Test-driven development Developer testing Technical review inspections Pair testing Automatic test generation Test automation frameworks Release and stopping criteria Testing techniques Test measurements and metrics Exploratory testing Component testing Model-based testing Automated functional testing Performance, stress, and load testing Testing Web services and other technologies Testing in JAVA, .NET, and other environments Testing embedded software Testing in an agile environment PADTAD Track Topics Tools for the testing or debugging of MPD ( multi-threaded/parallel/distributed ) applications Interactions between memory models and testing Test generation algorithms for MPD applications Debugging advanced network interface technologies (e.g., Myrinet, VIA) Debugging and testing MPD applications Using static analysis or formal verification to enhance debugging and testing of MPD applications Detecting race conditions and deadlocks Debugging and replay of MPD applications Finding timing bugs early in the process Testing real-time MPD applications Fault injection of MPD applications Testing the fault tolerance of MPD applications Testing and debugging techniques for timing related bugs in hardware Pilots in applying new testing techniques to MPD applications Program chair: Shmuel Ur, IBM Haifa Labs, Israel ( Conference organizers: Shmuel Ur ( Eyal Bin ( Eitan Farchi ( Yaron Wolfsthal ( Avi Ziv ( ======================================================================== 2nd International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM 2005) 1-3 September 2005, Versailles, France Co-located with EPEW'05 2nd European Performance Evaluation Workshop Web Services technology aims at providing standard mechanisms for describing the interface and the services available on the web, as well as protocols for locating such services and invoking them (e.g. WSDL, UDDI, SOAP). Innovations are moving towards two main directions: The first one tends to the definition of new standards that support the specification of complex services out of simpler ones (the so called Web Service orchestration and choreography). Several proposals have been already set up: BPML, XLANG and BizTalk, WSFL, WS-BPEL, WS-CDL, etc... The second approach consists of the design of new (meta-)Web Services to be exploited at run-time by other Web Services: e.g. managing the cooperation of Web Services or acting as dynamic registry services. Formal methods, which provide formal machinery for representing and analyzing the behavior of communicating concurrent/distributed systems, may potentially play a fundamental role in the development of such innovations. First of all they may help in understanding the basic mechanisms (in terms of semantics) which characterize different orchestration and choreography languages and to focus on the essence of new features that are needed. Secondly they may provide a formal basis for reasoning about Web Service semantics (behavior and equivalence): e.g. for realizing registry services where retrieval is based on the meaning of a service and not just a Web Service name. Thirdly also studies on formal coordination paradigms can be exploited for developing mechanisms for complex run-time Web Service coordination. Finally, given the importance of critical application areas for Web Services like E-commerce, the development of the Web Service technology can certainly take advantage from formal analysis of security properties and performance in concurrency theory. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on Web Services and Formal Methods in order to activate a fruitful collaboration in this direction of research. This, potentially, could also have a great impact on the current standardization phase of Web Service technologies. LIST OF TOPICS The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Protocols and standards for WS (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, etc... ) - Languages and description methodologies for Choreography/Orchestration/Workflow (BPML, XLANG and BizTalk, WSFL, WS-BPEL, WS-CDL, YAWL, etc... ) - Coordination techniques for WS (transactions, agreement, coordination services, etc...) - Semantics-based dynamic WS discovery services (based on Semantic Web/Ontology techniques or other semantic theories) - Security, Performance Evaluation and Quality of Service of WS - Semi-structured data and XML related technologies - Comparisons with different related technologies/approaches INVITED TALKS Peter Harrison, Imperial College London "Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modeling" Gianfranco Ciardo, University of California "Implicit representations and algorithms for the logic and stochastic analysis of discrete--state systems" Cosimo Lavene, University of Bologna "PiDuce: A Process Calculus with Native XML Datatypes" Wil van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology "Life After BPEL ?" ======================================================================== ======================================================================== ------------>>> QTN ARTICLE SUBMITTAL POLICY <<<------------ ======================================================================== QTN is E-mailed around the middle of each month to over 10,000 subscribers worldwide. To have your event listed in an upcoming issue E-mail a complete description and full details of your Call for Papers or Call for Participation at <> QTN's submittal policy is: o Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide at least a 1-month lead time from the QTN issue date. For example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the March issue of QTN On-Line should be for April and beyond. o Length of submitted non-calendar items should not exceed 350 lines (about four pages). Longer articles are OK but may be serialized. o Length of submitted calendar items should not exceed 60 lines. o Publication of submitted items is determined by Software Research, Inc., and may be edited for style and content as necessary. DISCLAIMER: Articles and items appearing in QTN represent the opinions of their authors or submitters; QTN disclaims any responsibility for their content. TRADEMARKS: eValid, HealthCheck, eValidation, InBrowser TestWorks, STW, STW/Regression, STW/Coverage, STW/Advisor, TCAT, and the SR, eValid, and TestWorks logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Software Research, Inc. All other systems are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ======================================================================== -------->>> QTN SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION <<<-------- ======================================================================== To SUBSCRIBE to QTN, to UNSUBSCRIBE a current subscription, to CHANGE an address (an UNSUBSCRIBE and a SUBSCRIBE combined) please use the convenient Subscribe/Unsubscribe facility at: <>. QUALITY TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER Software Research, Inc. 1663 Mission Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (415) 861-2800 Toll Free: +1 (800) 942-SOFT (USA Only) FAX: +1 (415) 861-9801 Web: <>